Cottles Bridge Wedding Venues are the perfect space to celebrate your special day in one private location. You could look further but we have it all and will save you the time, headache and stress of planning. Cottles Bridge Wedding Venues – Ballara Receptions...
Why choose a Wedding Reception and Ceremony in 1 location Planning one of the biggest days of your life and looking to lock in a wedding reception and ceremony all in the one location? Look no further than the beautiful grounds of Ballara Receptions. Ballara Has It...
Saruni & Malith’s Eltham Wedding Day Are you planning on getting married and need a great location to host the wedding of your dreams? You should have an Eltham wedding day! Seasonal Weddings Saruni and Malith recently had a stunning Eltham wedding day during...
The Best Cocktail Wedding Venue in Melbourne Looking for the perfect cocktail wedding venue? Well, look no further. Ballara Receptions is all about making sure your day is perfect and they’ve got the reputation to prove it. Want to know why this is one of the...
Hassle free wedding planning: reception and ceremony in the one location Take the stress and hassle out of navigating between the multitude of Wedding Venues Melbourne by choosing a one-stop venue, with your reception and ceremony in the one location. When it comes to...