Reception Style Guide

Struggling with styling and theming? Ballara Receptions has prepared this reception style guide to help with any wedding planning woes. Check out some of these wedding styles, themes and decorations.

Timeless Elegance

When it comes to timeless looks, you just cannot go wrong with white-on-white. Don’t forget that you can still add some splashes of colour with your placecards, bonbonnieres, or flowers.

Mix It Up A Little

For just a little bit of a point of difference, consider grey napkins, especially if you have white table linen. It helps to break up the white but will never feel like it has overwhelmed your white wedding theme.


Grey is very on trend at the moment and grey table linen is a gorgeous choice. If you want to take a break from the traditional all-white theme, you could go grey-on-grey. Another reception style guide is using grey linen with white napkins to really make everything pop.

Bold Black

Make a statement with your colour scheme using bold black highlights. If you have black in the mix of your colours, you can bring it through with your table linen to create a stark monochromatic effect.


It may be a funny thought to some, but you have different options when it comes to how your napkins are displayed on the table too. Consider napkin designs and presentation when thinking about crafting your own reception style guide for all parties involved in the wedding planning process.

Don’t Forget the Little Items

Match your wishing well, table menus and table numbers according to the guidelines of your unique reception style guide. You are welcome to use the white frame and easel provided by our team at Ballara Receptions to display your seating allocation chart, too.